Identification of Medicinal Plants in Sephu, Wangdue Phodrang in 2017: a field report


  • Ngawang Gyeltshen Department of Traditional Medicine services, Central regional Referral Hospital, Gelephu, Bhutan
  • Lhapchu Department of Traditional Medicine services, Central regional Referral Hospital, Gelephu, Bhutan
  • Nima Wangdi Department of Traditional Medicine services, Eastern Regional Referral Hospital, Mongar, Bhutan



Anticoagulant; Medicinal Plants, Tracheophyta; Traditional Medicine; Skin diseases


Bhutan is renowned for its rich biodiversity, providing a diverse habitat for a wide range of medicinal plants. It is estimated that approximately 7,000 species of vascular plants thrive in Bhutan, with most of them possessing medicinal properties. While regions like Haa, Paro, Gasa, and Bumthang have been explored for plant resources, the increasing demand from the growing population has highlighted the need to identify additional sources. Over the past decade, there has been an expansion of Traditional Medicine Units with concurrent increase in the number of patients availing Traditional Medicine services. This article reports on the field survey to explore the potential for extracting medicinal plants in the Sephu region of Wangdue Phodrang Dzongkhag. The survey team covered areas beginning from Wangchuck Centennial Park Office to Basha, Gyentsha, Thingta Tsho, Umta Tsho till Tampay La with an altitude ranging from 2500 to 4700 metres above sea level. Medicinal plant species were identified based on existing literature and records maintained with the Department of Forests and Parks, and Menjong Sorig Pharmaceutical. Expert consultations were sought to validate findings and verify the species identification and medicinal properties. During the exploration, 61 plant species with medicinal value were identified. Notably, the team discovered species such as Chrysosplenium forrestii, Meconopsis peniculata, Swertia hookeri, and Delphinium brunonianum, which are at risk of depletion in Lingzhi.



How to Cite

Gyeltshen, N., Lhapchu, & Wangdi, N. (2025). Identification of Medicinal Plants in Sephu, Wangdue Phodrang in 2017: a field report. Bhutan Sorig Journal, 2(1).



Field Report