Identification of Medicinal Plants in Sephu, Wangdue Phodrang in 2017: a field report

Ngawang Gyeltshen1 , Lhapchu1, Nima Wangdi2

1Department of Traditional Medicine, Central Regional Referral Hospital, Gelephu, Bhutan

2Department of Traditional Medicine, Eastern Regional Referral Hospital, Mongar, Bhutan

Corresponding author:  Ngawang Gyeltshen, Department of Traditional Medicine, Central Regional Referral Hospital, Gelephu, Bhutan.




Bhutan is renowned for its rich biodiversity, providing a diverse habitat for a wide range of medicinal plants. It is estimated that approximately 7,000 species of vascular plants thrive in Bhutan, with most of them possessing medicinal properties. While regions like Haa, Paro, Gasa, and Bumthang have been ex plored for plant resources, the increasing demand from the growing population has highlighted the need to identify additional sources. Over the past decade, there has been an expansion of Traditional Medicine Units with concurrent increase in the number of patients availing Traditional Medicine services. This arti cle reports on the field survey to explore the potential for extracting medicinal plants in the Sephu region of Wangdue Phodrang Dzongkhag. The survey team covered areas beginning from Wangchuck Centen nial Park Office to Basha, Gyentsha, Thingta Tsho, Umta Tsho till Tampay La with an altitude ranging from 2500 to 4700 metres above sea level. Medicinal plant species were identified based on existing literature and records maintained with the Department of Forests and Parks, and Menjong Sorig Pharmaceutical. Expert consultations were sought to validate findings and verify the species identification and medici nal properties. During the exploration, 61 plant species with medicinal value were identified. Notably, the team discovered species such as Chrysosplenium forrestii, Meconopsis peniculata, Swertia hookeri, and Delphinium brunonianum, which are at risk of depletion in Lingzhi.

Key words: Anticoagulant; Medicinal Plants, Tracheophyta; Traditional Medicine; Skin diseases


Bhutan is endowed with 7000 species of vascular plants with many of them known to have medicinal values [1]. After the establishment of the Traditional Medicine hospital and teaching institute, there has been systematic documentation and collection of medicinal plants from both high- and low-altitude areas in Bhutan [2]. In the initial stages, high-altitude medicinal herbs were collected from Lingzhi [1] which continues to provide the maximum number of raw materials to produce traditional medicines. Since persistent collection from one area increases the risk of exploitation undermining its sustainabil ity, Menjong Sorig Pharmaceutical under Depart ment of Traditional Medicine, Ministry of Health, later initiated collecting few medicinal plants from Haa, Paro, Gasa, and Bumthang regions [3]. How ever, even with this, the quantity of medicinal plants collected from these areas do not meet the demand of consumption [1].

Over the past several years, the number of Traditional Medicine Units have increased from 50 units in 2014 to 80 units in 2024 [4, 5]. The number of patients seen at the Traditional Medicine Units have increased from 180299 patients in 2014 to 221027 in 2024 [4, 5]. The demand for traditional medicine services remains popular reflecting the need to manufacture and provide a reliable supply of medicines. Therefore, alternative areas to source raw materials for traditional medicines are explored through field visits to various areas across the country. The field visits and surveys enable researchers and teams alike to understand geographical information and gather data on various species in ecosystem. This field report describes the findings of the pilot survey of medicinal plants in Sephu region, Wangdue Phodrang district.


The survey of medicinal plants was conducted in Sephu region which is located within the Wangchuck Centennial National Park. The survey team covered areas beginning from Wangchuck Centennial Park Office to Basha, Gyentsha, Thingta Tsho, Umta Tsho till Tampay La with an altitude ranging from 2500 to 4700 metres above sea level (masl), Figure 1. The study was conducted in September 2017, during the autumn season where the flowers, fruits, and seeds provided key information in the correct identification of the medicinal plants.


A total of eight individuals (four Drungtshos, two Menpas, two foresters, and respective Chiwog Tshogpas) were involved in the study visits. All required clearances were sought from the Gewog Administration routed through District Administration and Department of Forests and Park Services, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Royal Government of Bhutan. Photographs of plants were taken with digital single-lens reflex camera, Canon EOS 7D with tripod and global positioning system device, Garmin eTrex30.

The identification of sites and appropriate collection seasons were based on guidelines formulated in 2006 mandating clean, pleasant, and fertile places with a balance of sun, wind, and water elements. Favourable collection sites included sacred places while places inhabited and frequented by humans and animals, dirty water footpaths near toilet facilities, in and around industrial areas, near cremation and ceme tery grounds are discouraged from collection [6]. The collection of any medicinal plants is indicated to be done on auspicious days and times, while the collectors must maintain hygiene and chant specific mantras when initiating collection, and collect only the matured specimens [6]

Medicinal plant species were identified based on existing literature [7, 8, 9, 10] and records maintained with the Department of Forests and Parks, and Menjong Sorig Pharmaceutical. Expert consultations were sought to validate findings and verify the species identification and medicinal properties.


There were 61 medicinal plant species identified during this field visit. There were 13 medicinal plants found at altitudes 2500 – 3000 masl (Table 1), 11 at altitudes >3000 – 3500 masl (Table 2), 26 at altitudes >3500 – 4000 masl (Table 3), and 11 at altitudes >4000 masl (Table 4). The plants that were available in large quantities in Sephu region were Myricaria rosea, Saussurea ovallata, Saussurea gossipihora, Swertia hookeri, Pedicularis megalantha, Halenia elliptica, Saxifraga parnassifolia, Parnassia nubicola, Inula grandiflora, Pedicularis longiflora, Pedicularis sephonantha, and Meconopsis peniculata. Chrysoeplenium forrestii, Meconopsis peniculata, Swertia hookeri and Delphinium brunonianum, which are now rarely found in Lingzhi, Figure 2. Other plant species identified included Rubia manjith, Dectylorhiza hatagirea, and Impatiens spp [9, 11].


Medicinal plants, their properties, and uses in Traditional Medicine are described in 2nd volume of Tantra. Among the plants identified in this survey, Anemone griffithii belongs to Ranunculaveace. Its seeds are used as anticoagulant, anti-droopsy, and it increase body temperature. The flowers of Aster diplostephioides (DC) Clarke are used to treat affliction by evil spirits. Chrysosplenium forrestii Diels is used to allay bile diseases. Delphinium brunonianum Royle has an intoxicant property and allays common cold, skin diseases and bile disorders. Pedicularis megalantha D. Don acts as an antidote for poisonous afflictions and cures intestinal disorders [1, 9].

There were several challenges during this study. The survey was conducted during monsoon season where rainfall hindered access to several potential sites that could have harboured medicinal plants. For plant identifications that are based on their flowers, it is recommended to conduct plant surveys during peak blooming season. For effective fieldwork, a water-proof rain jacket, boots, and appropriate covers for field equipment are recommended.


This survey identified 61 medicinal plants in Sephu region. Some of the plant specieslike Chrysoeplenium forrestii, Swertia hookeri, Meconopsis peniculata, and Delphinium brunonianum that are found in rare quantities in Lingzhi were also identified in Sephu.


Ethics approval and consent to participate.

All required clearances were sought from the Gewog Administration routed through District Administration and Department of Forests and Park Services, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Royal Government of Bhutan.

Consent for publication

Not applicable

Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.


There was no funding for this study.

Availability of data materials

All public sources of data have been cited in this article.

Author contributions

Conceptualization, investigation, resources, writing – original draft, writing – review, and editing: NG, L, NW

Received: 10 October, 2024   Accepted: 17 January, 2025   Published online: 06 March, 2025


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